Jonathan Gonzalez Nuñez

Associate Designer


Woodbury University
Bachelor of Science in Architecture, 2017

A Few Words About Jonathan Gonzalez Nuñez:

As an Associate Designer, Jonathan brings a diverse portfolio highlighting his adaptability across various projects. With knowledge in navigating residential, educational, and commercial spaces, he excels in crafting custom residences for personal sanctuaries, creating conducive learning environments and integrating business functionality seamlessly.

Jonathan’s is a skilled fabricator, enabling him to translate conceptual ideas into tangible structures, ensuring they are visually captivating and structurally sound. Jonathan actively collaborates with SDAF, leveraging his architectural knowledge to contribute to projects and events that uplift and enrich the lives of the communities around San Diego. His involvement in these initiatives underscores his belief in architecture as a tool for positive societal impact.

Inspired by Calatrava’s avant-garde designs, Barragan’s vibrant minimalism and Gropius’s modernist principles, Jonathan’s design philosophy blends observation, inspiration, and determination. His work demonstrates an understanding of the interplay between space and emotion.