2014 American Institute of Architects, California Council (AIACC) Distinguished Practice Award
This annual award recognizes significant contributions to a specific building type or practice area, as well as an individual architect’s work, responses to challenges and innovations within the design and construction process, and achievement of design excellence through a collaborative spirit. Ms. Stiegler received this honor for her contribution to historic preservation, the first time the Council has made the award in this practice area. The review committee paid particular attention to her interesting integration of archaeology with historic preservation and thought it highly commendable how her work “indicates research not broadly held.”
Ms. Stiegler’s firm, IS Architecture, is dedicated to the preservation and renewal of our built environment. The firm, founded in 1989, specializes in addressing the full range of issues pertaining to the historic restoration, preservation and rehabilitation of existing, historic structures.
The firm has received 37 awards for Historic Preservation reports, restorations, reconstructions and rehabilitations and prepared more than 70 historic structures reports, condition assessment reports and historic assessment/historic nomination reports. IS Architecture has also restored or rehabilitated more than 70 institutional historic structures, 15 historic adobe structures and 45 historic residences.
Ms. Stiegler’s commitment to creating detailed architectural investigation and documentation is the essential foundation determining the appropriate application of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. For its meticulous attention to detail, Ms. Stiegler’s firm was awarded the 2010 and 2013 American Institute of Architects San Diego Chapter, Divine Detail Award.
Ms. Stiegler has advanced the science of historic preservation by redefining the methodology of architectural investigation. Her interdisciplinary practice transcends traditional boundaries between archaeology and architecture and preserves our national heritage through her documentary approach. Her advanced interdisciplinary methodology reveals a multitude of hidden details, making it possible to reach back in time to scientifically and authentically recreate previously lost architectural elements. Her comprehensive documentation helps protect historically significant buildings, fosters historically accurate reconstruction and provides disaster recovery records. IS Architecture’s award-winning, exemplary approach to historic structure documentation creates the foundation to authentically preserve historic sites and leaves an indispensable technical written history for future study and subsequent interpretation of our nation’s built heritage.
Ms. Stiegler’s expertise and commitment to historic preservation has been shared through extensive lecturing, in California, the U.S. and internationally. Ms. Stiegler continues to demonstrate her commitment to the local community by providing mentorship to young emerging architects and serving on numerous community boards.